Wednesday, January 11, 2006

K-8 update

"Eight more days to go; eight more days till KapCon..."

Eight days out, and the final, last minute panic is setting in. Will we have enough games? Will anyone actually show up? Will the local shops run out of "V"?

Actually, I'm not that worried about the middle one - we've had a healthy number of pre-registrations. And while its now officially too late to get the preregistration discount (unofficially, however...), it's still worth your while filling out the form and preregistering. For a start, it means you get a better choice of games for first round. While there are still spaces available in all of them, some are very close to full - so if you want to play in Murder, Inc: Payback or The Flight of the Aristola, you should probably pre-register fast.

We've had some game offers that aren't on the website yet: Svend is running an amusing game called "Never Work With Animals" about, well, working with animals; Paul Wilson is talking about Kung Fu madness, and Hugh Dingwall and Vishala Jekic are offering "Normality", a disturbing freeform about where our society might end up. The RPGA have put forward a very healthy selection as well. We still need more games though (we always need more games), so if you're thinking of running something, then please let us know.

Finally, remember, the PreCon is on the Friday night, at the Southern Cross, at the top of Cuba St, starting from about 7ish. See you there!


Matt said...

We have more than 60 preregistrations, with a good chunk of those prepaid, so I'm guessing a few people will be showing up :)

Anonymous said...

Is 60-odd a pretty typical figure? Because that seems quite low, considering how many have turned up the last couple of years. Is there normally quite a few who just turn up on the day?

Unknown said...

I think that normally only between a third and a half of attendants get around to pre-registering.

Anonymous said...

Yep. We are on track with previous years. Any inspired ideas to get people to register attendance and games early are all appreciated.


Matt said...

We had an issue with people preregistering at 2am on the day of the con, then getting shirty because we hadn't received and processed their registration.

We now close the form in the week before Kapcon (usually on about the Tuesday before), but invite people to email us with their details.