Thursday, January 18, 2007

Kapcon starts soon!

Kapcon starts at Wellington High School at 8.45am tomorrow! Doors are open from 8.15 so come early and hang out, catch up with old friends and make some new ones, or you could purchase a coffee or delicious snack from the Kapcon candy bar (prices below).

Kapcon Candy Bar
Can of Coke etc $1
Bag of lollies $2
Bag of chippies $2
Mini pump $1
Cookie Time Cookie $1
Almond Gold/Peanut Slab $1
Tea/Coffee 50c


Anonymous said...

What, no V?

Adrexia said...

Is the coffee instant? If so I may bring my filter machine along and donate a couple of kg of non-instant coffee to the candy bar. ;)

Matt said...

It's a big (50 cup) coffee percolator. There is also a big (50 cup) hot water urn if you want to plunge your own.

Matt said...

The V did not sell as well as other drinks last year, so in the interest of not having left-overs (and thus losing money) we didn't get any.

Lucky you found out in advance, and can bring your own!